Monday, May 3, 2010

I love my house!

Being responsible for a home is no simple task.

Garbage day, lawn care, dusting, tidying, cleaning toilets, doing laundry, doing dishes, maintaining a yard...the list continues to grow as spring makes its way into my humble abode. I have truly LOVED the challenge of having a place to call my very own. I'm nesting! I'm doing housework! I'm cooking fresh vegetables! Furthermore, I'm ENJOYING myself! Who knew?!

I'm still making slow personalizations to the inside of the house...almost all the photos are hung, and I love walking through the halls and seeing friendly faces of people I love.

This weekend I spent Saturday at the grand opening of the Omaha Farmers Market. What fun! There were so many beautiful flowers, vegetables, plants, baked goods and other sundry items, all cultivated by local vendors. It felt amazing to contribute to the local economy and support the people of Nebraska.

The Farmers Market inspired me to begin a garden. Now, this is a very big deal for someone who has many family members with well-documented black thumbs. However, I think that a 16 sq ft box garden is a good place to start. I bought a few veggie plants to put in my new garden, including peppers, summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, basil, tomatoes of several varieties, as well as seeds for cucumbers, eggplant, cantaloupe and sugar snap peas. The grand plan is to put all of said veggies in a garden box...we'll see how it goes!

However, the first step I took in lawn care and improvement was to weed out the planters in the front of my house and see what was still alive under all the dead foliage. Turns out I have two mature rosebushes as well as several green plants (still don't know the names, but I plan to learn them!) that survived the suffocation they were forced to endure. I planted Tiger Lily and Candy Lily (from the Farmers Market), as well as some lovely purple ground cover. For the front row I planted some orange Gerbera very favorite flower! My friend Sydney and I spent four hours on Sunday weeding, fertilizing and planting in the front of my home. Phew! I was dirty and exhausted by the time I was done...but so fulfilled! I am growing green things! It's such a beautiful feeling.

Today the lawn is mowed, all of my new friends out front are hanging in there (granted, it's only Day 2, but I will count this as a small victory nonetheless), and the front of my house looks so beautiful! I can't wait for my flowers to bloom and to see what else my budding green thumb is capable of!